Category Archives: Fashion

Ballet at the Court of Louis XIV: Guest Post by Katy Werlin

Good day and welcome to today’s exquisite guest post from fashion historian Katy Werlin! I know Katy from Twitter and was delighted when she agreed to participate in this month’s guest posts. You’ll love it. Please welcome Katy to The Seventeenth Century Lady! Ballet at the Court of Louis XIV Ballet in the seventeenth century was completely different… Read on

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My American Duchess Shoes!

When I returned from Somerset, I found this box waiting for me. I was THRILLED! I have been postponing buying historical shoes for a few years because I couldn’t find anything that was even near my budget. Thank goodness for American Duchess, a company specialising in historical footwear from Reno, Nevada, USA. I got these black Pompadour shoes which… Read on

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