Category Archives: Shakespeare

The Medical in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Shakespeare died in 1616, so I claim him on behalf of the 17th-century 😛 One of my favourite modern day writers is Theodore Dalrymple, a jovial man I met at an evening event a few years ago. My husband and I had a wonderful chat with the erudite man, about Shakespeare, philosophy, and other interesting topics, that I… Read on

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Sonnet 3 by William Shakespeare

Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest Now is the time that face should form another; Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest, Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother. For where is she so fair whose unear’d womb Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry? Or who is he so fond will be… Read on

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Another Good Shakespeare Quote

Troilus and Cressida “The common curse of mankind, – folly and ignorance”. – (Act II, Scene III).

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Wise Words from Shakespeare (as usual)

Some glory in their birth, some in their skill, Some in their wealth, some in their bodies’ force. Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill, Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse, And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure, Wherein it finds a joy above the rest; All these I better in one general best.… Read on

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