Category Archives: Science

Epidemic: Were the Powers that Be Powerless to Prevent the Plague?: A Guest Post by Claire Canary

One of the many things to really slow me down in writing historical fiction is the level of interest I’ve taken in my research. Nevertheless, it’s been the best learning experience of my life! Thanks to works such as Rebecca Rideal’s 1666: Plague, War and Hellfire, I’ve built the confidence to take Andrea up on her kind offer… Read on

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Today’s challenge is:  “Learn about something you know nothing about and share five facts”. The first thing that popped into my head was Astrophysics, something I’d heard about during my Physics lectures in high school, but never really got into, mainly because I’m incapable of understanding mathematics. This was a shame, considering most of my science and maths teachers… Read on

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The Royal Society

“The Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge” was founded on this day 28th November, 1660, and was signed into being by Royal Charter under King Charles II. Twelve important men of the day, including Christopher Wren, John Evelyn, Robert Boyle, John Wilkins, Sir Robert Moray, and William, Viscount Brouncker, met at Gresham College and formed… Read on

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Death of Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer, died on this day 24 October, 1601, of what is believed to be mercury poisoning. A less widely known fact about Brahe is that he had a false nose ever since he lost his own in a duel over who was the best mathematician! Egads, eh? That must have hurt. As a result of his injuries… Read on

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Smallpox and the Seventeenth Century

I just finished reading this post from the excellent Anne Boleyn Files about Queen Elizabeth I’s bout with smallpox on this day in 1562 and it made me think of how many people throughout history that were affected by this terrible disease. Rich and poor alike, this disease was nasty, and there were varying strains of the disease. The worst, called Hemorrhagic smallpox, was almost always… Read on

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The Roman Empire and Cleanliness

During my Sex, Gender and Culture course, I learned from my professor that the American and the Japanese cultures are equal in how they admire cleanliness. I am an American, and yes, I like to wash twice daily, shave, use anti-perspirant on my underarms and I like perfume and I always wash my hands after I use the… Read on

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The Gemini Project’s Manned Missions

Andrea Zuvich 10 February 2008 The Gemini Project’s Manned Missions The Gemini Project was a major step in the advancement of the space industry in the United States. The then-Soviet Union was leading the way in terms of scientific achievement in the “Space Race,” and the United States would not accept defeat at their hands. So, what was… Read on

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The Royal Observatory

We went to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and it was a wonderful experience. Anyone who loves the Seventeenth Century and science must come here if they can! We were lucky that the weather was good for the outing. It’s quite a trek going up the hill like we did, but great for the old legs! Greenwich is an… Read on

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