Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thoughts on Christianity

June 3, 2005 Andrea Zuvich Christianity can be compared with many, many, many, religions that preceded it, and in comparing it; one will find an assortment of similar and copied characteristics from those religions into Christianity. You ask if the pagan roots of so many Christian holidays and practices have a negative impact on Christianity. My answer would… Read on

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Thoughts on Zoroastrianism

Andrea Zuvich 05/27/2005 Zoroastrianism, or Parsis, the ancient religion founded by a man called Zoroaster, has many extraordinary elements that have been widely adopted by other religions. The elements of Zoroastrianism are found in many of today’s most popular religions. Several of its effects (or characteristics) can be seen in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. There are no elements… Read on

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Thoughts on Jainism

Andrea Zuvich June 10th, 2005 I honestly don’t know how the Jains are able to live and survive in our modern world. This has to be one of the most, if not the most, strictly disciplined religions I’ve ever even heard about. Everything must be considered by them, be it microorganisms that are in their drinking water or… Read on

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Joseph and Job

August 27th, 2003 As we all know, these stories, “Joseph,” and “Job,” are very important works of literature. They are very important in the respect that they have touched many people’s lives and have caused people to make decisions based on the faith(s) that come from them. Each person on this Earth has faith in one thing or… Read on

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