“In Fine Style: The Art of Tudor & Stuart Fashion” Review

I recently went to the amazing “In Fine Style: The Art of Tudor & Stuart Fashion” in the Queen’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace. I had just finished tours at Kensington Palace and then took the Number 9 bus (a Routemaster) from Palace Gate to Green Park and then walked across the beautiful Green Park towards Buckingham Palace. I was really lucky that the weather was beautiful that day. Since I paid the fee to enter and have taken the time to take these photos, please DO NOT take them unless you attribute them to me (Andrea Zuvich).


I collected my tickets from a friendly chap at the desk and then went through the airport security (which I am all for, in this day and age with terrorist nutters everywhere) and went up the lovely stone staircase to get the free audio guide and I entered the exhibition. In the beginning is the Tudor section, with famous portraits of King Henry VIII, his daughter, Elizabeth I:


Next, came the Stuart section, of which this exhibition largely consisted. Some objects, including items reputedly worn by King Charles I, I was unable to photos of, so, I apologise. The rest, however, are from the Royal Collection.

Here is Anne of Denmark, wife and queen consort of King James I:


As you can see, there is an amazing amount of detail – look at the embroidered fabric – all brought to life with the artist’s brush. This next painting is quite unique – look at the odd earring which seems to have a thin coiled metal hanging down past her ruff:
DSC_0065Next we have Henrietta Maria, who was the queen consort of King Charles I, and mother of Charles II, James II, Minette, etc…

Yey! It’s my favourite lady, Queen Mary II, looking positively splendid in her blue dress and ermine-trimmed robe.DSC_0068DSC_0070Here we have the beauteous Frances Stuart, she who became the model for Britannia:DSC_0072DSC_0073DSC_0078DSC_0086Here is a painting of Charles II and his sister, Mary, the Princess of Orange, dancing together:DSC_0083DSC_0080DSC_0084DSC_0079Here is Mary Stuart, Princess Royal of England and Princess of Orange, wife of William II of Orange and mother of William III:DSC_0082

Here is Queen Mary II’s patch box – gold and red and wonderful. I saw this exhibited at Hampton Court Palace last year in the The Wild, the Beautiful, & the Damned, but it was a pleasure to see it again in person:DSC_0085Next we have another painting of an older Anne of Denmark:DSC_0090Detail from painting above, I love the dogs…

DSC_0091This was my favourite group scene painting:
DSC_0087This is the Rembrandt they had on display – I was floored by how photo realistic it was, just look at the lace and the ornamentation on her dress – and look at the position of her thumb – isn’t it amazing?DSC_0092Here again is the lovely Henrietta Maria, followed by a detail of the same painting:


DSC_0089I also bought a fabulous book and Robe magazine (which is a lovely 17th-century style magazine- I bought two copies of this, one of which I will give away in a few days!):

[amazon asin=1905686447&template=image&chan=default]

Hear ye! 8 thoughts — so far — on ““In Fine Style: The Art of Tudor & Stuart Fashion” Review”:

  1. Carol

    Thanks soooooooooo much for the tour Andrea! I really really appreciate it! A big high 5 all the way from Niagara Falls Canada…xox

  2. Nora Vester

    Could you let me know who the painter is of your favourite group scene painting above? Thanks in advance, nora vester

  3. Nora Vester

    Thank you for letting me know! I was trying to find out the origin of a painting that represents a baby resembling exactly the child in the middle of this painting.

  4. Luna John

    The “In Fine Style: The Art of Tudor & Stuart Fashion” exhibition at Buckingham Palace looks absolutely fascinating! It’s incredible to see how the artistry and attention to detail in the fashion of the time are captured in portraits and royal garments. The vivid depictions of historical figures like Queen Mary II and Anne of Denmark highlight how fashion intertwined with royal identity and influence. Thanks for sharing your experience with us—it truly brings the past to life!


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