Hear ye! My novella, The Chambermaid, is part of the Steel and Lace Anthology which is out now as a Kindle eBook on Amazon. The paperback will be available shortly. I feel privileged to have been able to work on this project with six other authors: Anna Belfrage, Anita Seymour, Francine Howarth, M.J. Logue, Susan Ruth, and Kelli Klampe. None of us will make any money from the sales of this book because we will donate all proceeds to GOSH – Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. You’ll get 7 brand-new novellas set in the 17th-century or 18th-century and will be donating to a worthy cause at the same time. So please buy it today!
War, Rebellion, Love and Romance penned by Award Winning and Best Selling Authors!
While England is ravaged by Civil War, divided loyalties abound and Victory is not always as imagined. With a king beheaded, a king in exile, and a Lord Protector ruling the land, the future looks certain for many and fraught with danger for others. ‘Tis true to say, characters have shaped their own destinies: but at what price, and what price must be paid for the future?
The Countess Spy – Anita Seymour
Oliver Cromwell is triumphant and the king is dead,
But Elizabeth, Lady Tollemache will never give up on the Royalist
Cause and pledges her loyalty to the exiled King.
The Price of Convictions – Anna Belfrage
Mathew Graham has the choice between staying in Scotland and
Risking death, or leaving his homeland and breaking his heart.
Not the easiest of choices…
Si tu Doir Partir – M. J. Logue
Russell thought he would never be worthy of the only woman
he’d ever wanted: Thomazine thought he was an idiot…
The King’s Courier – Francine Howarth
“Breeches do not maketh man, any more than skirts maketh woman.”
The Chambermaid – Andrea Zuvich
“I am as you find me. The wheel of fortune has turned,
And Vauxhall Manor’s rightful heir has returned.”

Illustration created by Francine Howarth, 2015
Secrets of a Princess – Kelli Klampe
“They will take you even if they know the cost will be their very life.”
Goblin Damn’d – Susan Ruth
“I fear this gentleman does not understand the jeopardy he is in.
One cannot simply walk into Woodhall and hold guns to people’s heads.”
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