Hear ye! A week after submitting my completed (pre-edited) manuscript of Sex and Sexuality in Stuart Britain, I am very pleased, and also a little anxious, to tell you that I have just signed two contracts with Pen & Sword History to write two biographies of two very, very different Stuart-era ladies. Whilst both ladies have been written about, there haven’t been biographies exclusively about them for some decades.

You probably know who this is. Yes, my first biography will be Barbara Villiers: Charles II’s Most Powerful Mistress! The last major biography of ‘the curse of the nation’ (Evelyn) was published in 1980, so it’s time to have a fresh look at this fascinating, volatile woman.

And then, the following year, I shall be working on a second biography: Mary II: The Protestant Queen. And, YES, for those who have been waiting a decade – my novel of William & Mary WILL be released in conjunction with the biography! Mary is very, very dear to me so I can’t tell you how THRILLED and HONOURED I am to be chosen to write her biography.
I mean, all of this is dependent on factors such as health (ya know, actually being alive), among other things, but if one doesn’t set goals for oneself, it’s hard to fulfill one’s dreams.
Thank you!
Congratulations – I look forward to both
Thank you!
Excellent news! Well done, m’lady! I can’t think of anyone better to write these two books 😀
Thank you, dear Lady.
Congrats! I’m sure you’ll be around to finish both & many more.
Thank you, Bill! I really appreciate your supportive words.
Congratulations Andrea! I remember when you were writing the William and Mary book as a volunteer at Kensington Palace. I wondered what happened with it. So delighted to hear it will be published and I look forward to it.