The Stuart Vampire: Excerpt

The Stuart Vampire Teaser, © Andrea Zuvich 2013: James gripped Henry’s hand. “Now, you must rest well and we’ll see thee in the morning. Goodnight, Harry.” His brother left quietly, but he could hear his footsteps echo down the old corridor.  “Please don’t leave me,” he whispered to himself now in vain. The hours went by slowly, and… Read on

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The Stuart Vampire: Character Inspiration

Hi everyone! I’ve been busy getting my gothic novel, The Stuart Vampire ready in time for its release on Halloween! A few people have been asking for more information, so I thought I would post a few images which helped shape the characters. As several characters are from different times in history, i had a great deal of… Read on

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Early Notes on 17th-Century Slavery for The Manor: Guest Post by Mac Griswold

From early notes on 17th-century slavery for THE MANOR: Three Centuries at a Slave Plantation on Long Island. I came to this book through the boxwoods that I saw behind the house when I rowed up Gardiner’s Creek on Shelter Island and reached the 1737 house that stands near the water. I soon came to realize they were… Read on

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Off With His Head!: Guest Post by Jo Ann Butler

  Off With His Head! Thank you to Andrea Zuvich for hosting me! My name is Jo Ann Butler, and I’m the author of Rebel Puritan and The Reputed Wife. I’m currently writing the final book in my Scandalous Life series, and it will include an event which threatened New England’s very survival – King Philip’s War. In 1620, the Wampanoag Indians allowed… Read on

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The 17th Century, World Without End: Guest Post By Christy K. Robinson

The community of 17th Century researchers is a small but rich one, and one of the lovely people I have become acquainted with is Christy K. Robison. Christy has a new book out about Mary Dyer, so please welcome her Guest Post about this fascinating 17th-century woman to The Seventeenth Century Lady! The 17th Century, World Without End By… Read on

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17th Century Secrets of 10 Downing Street: Guest Post by Deborah Swift

The Seventeenth Century Lady is excited to have a Guest Post from acclaimed historical fiction writer Deborah Swift! Whenever I see Downing Street on the news I am reminded that its name dates back to the 17th century and the English Civil War. George Downing was born in Ireland but studied in America at Harvard – he was… Read on

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Women During the Reign of Charles II: Guest Post by Richard Endsor

It’s such a delight to welcome Richard Endsor to The Seventeenth Century Lady! Richard tells us about some remarkable women during the Merry Monarch’s lusty reign. So, please give a very warm welcome to Richard! Women During the Reign of Charles II: Dear Andrea, thank you for inviting me as a guest to your beautifully presented blog. Following… Read on

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