Menstruation & Female Bleeding in Seventeenth-Century England: Guest Post by Sara Read

Today we welcome Dr. Sara Read, whose book, Menstruation and the Female Body in Seventeenth-Century England is out today. I, for one, already have it on my wish list! So, please give a warm welcome to Sara, and enjoy the fascinating topic she brings to The Seventeenth Century Lady! Menstruation & Female Bleeding in Seventeenth-Century England When chatting to my… Read on

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The Great Fire of London, 1666

The Great Fire of London was one of the great catastrophes to hit the reign of Charles II. Following the horrendous Great Plague of 1665, the only silver lining in this conflagration is that it seems to have eradicated the plague. Great! But we don’t really know how many people died, as the records don’t seem to take… Read on

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Build the Lenox: Guest Post by Julian Kingston

Today, The Seventeenth Century Lady is pleased to have a guest post from Julian Kingston of the Build the Lenox Project. I hope you will be able to support the building of this beautiful, historical 17th-century warship. – Andrea _____________________________ Andrea has very graciously offered me a guest posting on her wonderful site to tell you about our project… Read on

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Updates & A Month of Guest Posts!

Hello everyone! Well! I’m getting ready for the second week in my virtual book tour for His Last Mistress, and I have only just finished writing my last guest post for that, so, whew! I would like to ask any of you who have read my book, and liked it, to please rate and review it on Goodreads, Amazon… Read on

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Ten Things I Am Grateful For

Wow, it’s already the last day of the August Blog Challenge. This has been such an interesting month of blogging, and I think you know me better than before. Things I am grateful for now: My family. I’ve always been grateful for them. They really rock. My “fans” – apparently, I can say this now! Really, these people… Read on

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A Celebrity Crush From My Youth

Leonardo DiCaprio. I remember how incensed I was as a then eleven-year-old, in 1996, when Romeo + Juliet came out and Romeo took drugs. As a Shakespeare fan, I was really angry. Despite my understandable disappointment with Baz Luhrman’s direction for one of my favourite characters, I soon fell under Leo’s spell (as most girls my age did… Read on

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A Funny Memory – Tea at the Brown’s Hotel

“Sugar please!” Uh oh. It’s all coming back to me now… Today’s Challenge topic is to tell you all about something funny. I thought it was funny, you might not, but I still laugh when I think of it. It was summer, perhaps June, maybe July of 2001 when I went to the United Kingdom for the first… Read on

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My favourite photo of myself

Continuing on with the August Challenge set up by Natalie, today’s topic is ” Selfie! Share a favourite photo of yourself or take a new one”   Without sounding horrendously arrogant, my favourite photo of myself is the one above, which was taken at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, because: 1. I don’t look like my usual bespectacled,… Read on

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