Remember, Remember the Fifth of November!

Tonight, here in the United Kingdom, we will celebrate what is known as “Bonfire Night.” This is where we traditionally celebrate the thwarted attempt of Catholic plotters in what’s called The Gunpowder Plot, on 5th November, 1605. The most famous of these plotters was Guy, or Guido, Fawkes. The others were: John Wright, Thomas Wintour, Sir Ambrose Rookwood, Thomas Percy, Robert Keyes, Thomas Bates, Robert Wintour, Christopher… Read on

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Mary, Princess Royal & Princess of Orange

Mary Stuart, Princess Royal, daughter of King Charles I & Henrietta Maria, was born on this day 4 November, 1631. Mary was married (at the very young age of 10) to Prince William II of the House of Orange, who was fifteen, and already fast becoming a dissolute young man. Though her nightgown was sewn shut as a precaution against William’s… Read on

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Welcome to the new blog!

I know I had only recently made my previous blog publicly viewable, but since I already had this domain I thought it would be best to move the promo for my book, “William & Mary: A Novel” to and use the main page for my blog. Why switch from my old WordPress account? Well, I wanted more… Read on

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“The Lost Prince – The Life & Death of Henry Stuart”

I visited the National Portrait Gallery yesterday to attend the “The Lost Prince – The Life & Death of Henry Stuart.” For those who plan on visiting, please do, but perhaps you shouldn’t read more below, as I’ve written this mainly for people who live abroad and will not be able to go to the exhibition. I was… Read on

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A 17th Century Ode to Cleopatra of Egypt

Ah, Cleopatra, a woman who has inspired countless plays, poems, books, and films… As found in John Dunton’s “The Ladies Dictionary” of 1694: Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt: The Wealth she wore about her seem’d to hide, Not to adorn her Native Beauty’s Pride, Tho there bright Pearls from the Or’ential shoars, From all th’Assyrian Lakes, and wealthy Stores… Read on

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Canaletto – A Venetian Master

Master Baroque landscape painter, Giovanni Antonio Canal, aka “Canaletto,” was born on this day the 28th of October, 1697, in Venice. His use of colour is remarkable and sometimes even photo realistic. Look at the incredible amount of detail in the boats, in lighting, the distance – everything done to a very high quality. I remember pathetically trying… Read on

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William Penn’s Philadelphia

Philadelphia was founded on this day 27 October, 1682 by English Quaker William Penn. Penn had been given the land first by King Charles II and then supported by Charles’s brother, the Catholic King James II of England. William Penn himself had been born on the 14th of October, 1644 in Tower Hill, London, and later baptised at All Hallows-by-the-Tower,… Read on

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A Double Baroque Birthday!

Two very talented Baroque composers were born on this day October 26th in the 17th century! The first one was Domenico Scarlatti, Italian Baroque composer, & son of Alessandro Scarlatti, was born on this day 26 October, 1685. 1685 was a big year for the birth of major Baroque composers, such as J.S. Bach and Handel, and this Scarlatti is no… Read on

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