Joseph and Job

August 27th, 2003 As we all know, these stories, “Joseph,” and “Job,” are very important works of literature. They are very important in the respect that they have touched many people’s lives and have caused people to make decisions based on the faith(s) that come from them. Each person on this Earth has faith in one thing or… Read on

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Possible Evidence for Cannibalism?

For our course, Archaeology of the Natives of the Southwestern United States, my fellow wannabe anthropologists and archaeologists are debating over new research which points to cannibalistic activities in the Southwest during the Anasazi dominated period between 900 and 750 C.E. (Common Era). In this article by Rachel Hartigan, archaeologists have found burned human bones which also have… Read on

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Space Shuttle Discovery

It was a beautiful sunny day here on the coast of Florida, ideal weather for a space shuttle launch. I truly admire the many scientists, engineers, and workmen whose dedication and hard work have contributed to such informative, and thus, successful missions. I have been fortunate enough to have met several former NASA employees, all who have fascinating… Read on

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Ham House & Gardens, Ham

Here I am at the amazing Ham House in Ham, Richmond-upon-Thames.   This magnificent home was built by a courter for James I, and extensively renovated for the Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale and is a fine example of 17th century architecture. Lucky for all of us visiting on that day, it was a beautiful, sunny summer’s day… Read on

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Warrior Marks: The Nightmare of Female Genital Mutilation

Synopsis: Warrior marks is a poetic and political film about female genital mutilation which affects one hundred million of the world’s women. This film unlocks some of the cultural, religious and political complexities surrounding this issue. Interviews with women from Senegal, Gambia, Burkina Faso, the United States and England concerned with and affected by genital mutilation are told… Read on

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