Tag Archives: 1692

Review: “Salem” Television Series

I’ve been putting off watching this series for a while because I’m always hesitant these days to watch anything set in the 17th-century. I set aside my preconceived ideas and had an open mind when I watched the first episode, but from the moment the first line was delivered, I was cringing – and it was not the… Read on

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“Piracy & Witchcraft: Salem 1692” Guest Post by Emerson Baker

The Seventeenth Century Lady is pleased and honoured to have Dr. Emerson Baker here today as our guest writer. Dr. Baker has written several books on 17th-century history of Early New England, including A Storm of Witchcraft, which was described by one reviewer as “The best guide yet to understanding what happened in 1692 Salem”. Piracy and Witchcraft:… Read on

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Review: The Crucible starring Richard Armitage

It’s not often one is able to see one’s favourite actor in a play set in the 17th century, so when I saw the poster below on the Tube recently, I immediately scrambled to get seats for this production of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. By the time I was looking for tickets, there were very few seats available,… Read on

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