Tag Archives: 17th Century Lady

‘Queen Anne’ – A Play by Kate Glover

Last Friday, the 1 August, we observed the 300th anniversary of the death of Queen Anne, the end of the Stuart dynasty and the beginning of the Georgian/Hanoverian period. 1714 was a major year in British and European history. In recent days, I have been pleasantly surprised at the number of people wanting to learn more about this… Read on

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Giveaway time!!!

That’s right!!! I’ve decided to do our first giveaway. I went to Buckingham Palace last week and bought two copies of Robe Magazine (which is awesome, you’ll love it) and so I want to give one of them away. You need only comment below and each entry will be entered and the winner will be chosen by random… Read on

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Paul Armesto Art

Over the past few months and years, I’ve been fortunate to get to know many very talented individuals who have a great appreciation for the beauty of the past – be it in literature, music, art, and one of these individuals is Paul Armesto. Mr. Armesto is a very talented artist currently based in New York City, though… Read on

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