Tag Archives: art

The Curious Case of Writing Novels about Art: A Guest Post By Brian Howell

The Curious Case of Writing Novels about Art By Brian Howell We all know the adage about those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach. I can apply this not only to my total lack of ability to draw or paint (despite some noble juvenile failures), but also to my wannabe non-status as an art historian (which… Read on

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Paul Armesto Art

Over the past few months and years, I’ve been fortunate to get to know many very talented individuals who have a great appreciation for the beauty of the past – be it in literature, music, art, and one of these individuals is Paul Armesto. Mr. Armesto is a very talented artist currently based in New York City, though… Read on

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Death of Nicolas Poussin

One of my favourite painters from the Seventeenth Century – Nicolas Poussin – died on this day 19th November, 1665, in Rome. I thought I’d share a few of my favourite paintings of his, courtesy of the amazing www.nicolaspoussin.org I was fortunate that, during my time in college, I had the opportunity to study with a painter who… Read on

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Canaletto – A Venetian Master

Master Baroque landscape painter, Giovanni Antonio Canal, aka “Canaletto,” was born on this day the 28th of October, 1697, in Venice. His use of colour is remarkable and sometimes even photo realistic. Look at the incredible amount of detail in the boats, in lighting, the distance – everything done to a very high quality. I remember pathetically trying… Read on

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The Death of Jacob Jordaens

Jacob #Jordaens, exceptionally talented Flemish #Baroque painter, died on this day 18th October, 1678. Here is his depiction of the Madonna with Child and Flowers. Simply beautiful.

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“The Exchange of Princesses” – Rubens

This beautiful, and lesser-known work of Baroque artist Peter Paul Rubens, represents the marriage of Anne of Austria to Louis XIII of France and also the marriage of Phillip IV of Spain. Surrounded by deities and gods from classical mythology, one princess is being guided towards France, the other towards Spain, and thus do we have the exchange. Note… Read on

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“Seventeenth Century Lady” by William Merritt Chase

Image: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.     This painting by William Merritt Chase is called, “Seventeenth Century Lady.” Why, I do not know, for the dress is definitely not 17th century, it is from the 19th century.

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