Tag Archives: Glorious Revolution

Review: “Fit to Rule”

I have just finished watching an episode of “Fit to Rule”. I shall comment on this one in particular, as I haven’t been able to see the previous episodes. I was working in the other room when my family called me down because Lucy Worsley was on the telly. As I sat down I heard her begin to… Read on

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The King’s Stairs at Hampton Court Palace

The King’s Stairs in William III’s State Apartments in the newer half of Hampton Court Palace is a stunning example of Baroque architecture and artwork. The walls were painted (circa 1700) by Italian Baroque painter Antonio Verrio and conjure up mythological and historical figures depicting the strength of William III. Note how many allusions to warfare and might… Read on

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William III

Willem Hendrik, Prince of Orange-Nassau, Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic, and King of England, was born on this day the 14th of November, 1650. It had been a dark week for the House of Orange. William II, aged only twenty-four, had died of smallpox on the sixth of November. His widow, the nineteen-year-old Mary Stuart, Princess of Orange,… Read on

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The Birth of Mary of Modena

Mary of Modena, second wife of James, Duke of York, and his Queen consort upon his becoming King James II, was born on this day the 5th of October, 1658, in the Ducal Palace in Modena. She was a beautiful woman, with black hair and dark eyes – what we’d call an Italian beauty now. As you can… Read on

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The Glorious Revolution – A Forgotten Revolution?

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 marked a profound change in the history of England, and therefore, the United Kingdom.  Most of the people who are reading this now – if not all- know of this revolution and its ramifications upon the history of this nation, but what I find quite disheartening is the fact that most people one encounters do… Read on

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A Visit to Exeter Cathedral

I recently went to Exeter to visit some of my husband’s friends and also to do some research at Exeter Cathedral – which is a very impressive cathedral. William of Orange (King William III) came here during his progress during the Glorious Revolution of 1688, so it was imperative for my research to come here. I firmly believe… Read on

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