Tag Archives: James VI/I

Book Review: ‘Queen James’ by Gareth Russell

‘Elizabeth was king, now James is queen’, one anonymous English author wrote around 1623, and it is this quote which begins Queen James, which was released today in the United Kingdom. I recently had the delight of having its author, historian Gareth Russell, back on my show for Season 2, Episode 2 of Stuart Saturday Live. It is… Read on

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Review: Arbella Stuart – The Uncrowned Queen by Jill Armitage

Arbella Stuart: The Uncrowned Queen by Jill Armitage, published by Amberley Publishing in 2017, (the title on Goodreads is Arbella Stuart: England’s Almost Queen) takes readers back to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and begins with the formidable Bess of Hardwick’s invitation of Meg, Countess of Lennox, to one of her houses. Now, Bess of Hardwick was… Read on

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