Tag Archives: Lady Henrietta Wentworth

His Last Mistress Book Talk & Virtual Tour

Thursday night at Fleetwood Public Library in Lancashire, I gave my first book talk about His Last Mistress. I met some really lovely people and it was an enjoyable evening. My husband was filming the event, but only 1/3 of the talk was captured because the video filled up the SD card far too quickly! At least you’ll… Read on

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His Last Mistress Excerpt

There have been quite a few searches for an excerpt from my book His Last Mistress, so for those who haven’t seen the excerpt available on Amazon, here is an excerpt from the end of Chapter 14: The plans for assassinating the King and the Duke of York were put in place. Disaster, however, thwarted their diabolical plans.… Read on

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The Greatest Romances Are Tragedies

I am an unabashed romantic. That being said, I do not require the majority of the books I read to end happily ever after. In fact, all of my favourite romances from history and literature have been tragic. I grew up reading Arthurian legends, Thomas Hardy, Shakespeare’s tragedies, and more. I must be frank with you, I have… Read on

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“His Last Mistress” Has a Cover!

I was given permission to share the selected cover with you. What do you think? I’m quite happy. It shows the passion between these two star-crossed lovers well! You can now buy it! [amazon asin=B00CX1PYZA&template=image&chan=default]

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Monmouth novella sent off today!

Hi everyone! I’ve been a busy little bee in recent days, well, recent months. After writing the novella, sending it around to four proofreaders, hacking it up and re-writing bits, changing things here and there, I finally just sent it to the publishers. It’s quite an experience, I have to say, waiting around, sweaty-palmed, my heartbeat nearing palpitation… Read on

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Dashing but Doomed: the Duke of Monmouth

[This is available as a podcast on iTunes] He was unquestionably one of the handsomest of the Stuart men. Tall, dark, and seductive, James Crofts, later James Scott, Duke of Monmouth, was born in Rotterdam, the Dutch Republic, on the 9th of April 1649, to an exiled King Charles II and his mistress Lucy Walter. James had a… Read on

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Toddington Manor Sale

During my research for my novella about Monmouth and Henrietta Wentworth, I have been wading through tons of newspapers from 1680-1699, and I came across this a few weeks ago in the adverts section of Post Man and the Historical Account (London, England) for Tuesday, September 14, 1697, Issue 370, and I thought it worthy of posting here:… Read on

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Henrietta Crofts, Duchess of Bolton

The Duchess of Bolton looks vaguely familiar, does she not? If she does, it’s because she has a look of her father, the handsome Duke of Monmouth. This beautiful young lady married the 2nd Duke of Bolton in 1697. In the course of researching the lives of those connected to the doomed Duke, I found this charming image… Read on

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