Tag Archives: Metaphysical Poetry

A Ballad call’d the Hay-Markett Hectors

The following excerpt is attributed to Andrew Marvell: I sing a Woofull Ditty Of a Wound that long will smart-a Given (the more’s the Pitty) In the Realme of Magna Charta: Youth! Youth! thou’dst better be slaine by thy Foes Than live to hang’d for cutting a Nose. Our good King Charles the Second Too flippant of Treasure… Read on

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17th Century Romance

Happy Valentine’s Day! This is the perfect opportunity to use John Donne’s, “The Good Morrow,” which is my favourite poem by him: “My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears, And true plain hearts do in the faces rest; Where can we find two better hemispheres Without sharp north, without declining west? Whatever dies was not mixed… Read on

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“Constancy” by Sidney Godolphin

Constancy “Love unreturned, howe’er the flame Seem great and pure, may still admit Degrees of more, and a new name And strength acceptance gives to it. Till then, by honour there’s no tie Laid on it, that it ne’er decay; The mind’s last act by constancy Ought to be sealed, and not the way. Did aught but love’s… Read on

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