Tag Archives: Piracy

Frenchman’s Creek by Daphne du Maurier

When I finished listening to the audiobook version of Frenchman’s Creek by Daphne du Maurier, I was left sitting at my kitchen table in floods of tears. What a moving story! The first thing I thought after I finished was that this was rather like The Bridges of Madison County – a woman is married to someone and has children… Read on

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“Piracy & Witchcraft: Salem 1692” Guest Post by Emerson Baker

The Seventeenth Century Lady is pleased and honoured to have Dr. Emerson Baker here today as our guest writer. Dr. Baker has written several books on 17th-century history of Early New England, including A Storm of Witchcraft, which was described by one reviewer as “The best guide yet to understanding what happened in 1692 Salem”. Piracy and Witchcraft:… Read on

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