Tag Archives: The New World

Review: “Salem” Television Series

I’ve been putting off watching this series for a while because I’m always hesitant these days to watch anything set in the 17th-century. I set aside my preconceived ideas and had an open mind when I watched the first episode, but from the moment the first line was delivered, I was cringing – and it was not the… Read on

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“Piracy & Witchcraft: Salem 1692” Guest Post by Emerson Baker

The Seventeenth Century Lady is pleased and honoured to have Dr. Emerson Baker here today as our guest writer. Dr. Baker has written several books on 17th-century history of Early New England, including A Storm of Witchcraft, which was described by one reviewer as “The best guide yet to understanding what happened in 1692 Salem”. Piracy and Witchcraft:… Read on

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A Time of Profound Change: A Guest Post By Ann Swinfen

Please welcome Ann Swinfen to The Seventeenth Century Lady! A Time of Profound Change By Ann Swinfen I have published two novels set in the seventeenth century: Flood and This Rough Ocean. Why the seventeenth century? This is a period which some people regard as less colourful than the sixteenth century, but is that true? It seems to me that… Read on

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Early Notes on 17th-Century Slavery for The Manor: Guest Post by Mac Griswold

From early notes on 17th-century slavery for THE MANOR: Three Centuries at a Slave Plantation on Long Island. I came to this book through the boxwoods that I saw behind the house when I rowed up Gardiner’s Creek on Shelter Island and reached the 1737 house that stands near the water. I soon came to realize they were… Read on

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Mary Martin of Boston: Guest Post by Adrian Tinniswood

Adrian Tinniswood is one of the best living 17th-century historians, and I’ve long admired his work. Not only is he a great historian, but he happens to be one of the friendliest chaps I’ve had the pleasure of communicating with since moving to the UK. I was very excited to learn that he agreed to contribute a guest… Read on

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